Common Issues with Cardboard Boxes & Solutions

Corrugated cardboard boxes are an essential part of packaging and shipping for many businesses. These boxes are known for their versatility, affordability, and strength. However, they are not without their problems. Understanding and addressing common issues with corrugated cardboard boxes can make a significant difference in the efficiency and reliability of your packaging solutions. Structural […]

The Role of Laminated Cardboard Corners in Tijuana Logistics

Tijuana, a bustling manufacturing and trade hub, is at the heart of numerous supply chains. Efficient logistics are critical in this busy city, where companies rely on the smooth movement of goods to maintain their operations. One of the key factors in ensuring effective logistics is the packaging used to transport these goods. Packaging must […]

Preparing Your Packaging for Summer Heat

Summer heat can be extremely challenging for packaging, potentially causing damage to products and materials. High temperatures can weaken adhesives, warp packaging materials, and compromise the overall integrity of the package. This makes it crucial to prepare your packaging solutions adequately to withstand the impact of summer heat. The effects of heat on packaging are […]

Why Choose Chipboard Over Cardboard?

Paperboard vs. Cardboard: Exploring the Advantages of Paperboard in Industrial Packaging. From its Versatility to its Contribution to Sustainability.

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