Guide to Product Packaging: How to Select the Right Packaging

Learn to optimize the packaging of your products to address logistical challenges. An essential guide for selecting the best packaging.

Guide to Product Packaging: How to Select the Right Packaging

Understanding the importance of choosing the proper packaging today, we have developed this small guide to product packaging. Appropriate packaging is essential for the supply chain. Selecting a suitable material, design, and packaging system can ensure that the product arrives in perfect condition.

Today, logistical challenges and changing conditions in the supply chain demand advanced packaging solutions. Traditional packaging is needed; optimized designs and innovative materials protecting products are required. This protection should be against impacts, vibrations, extreme temperatures, and other risks.

High-quality industrial packaging is essential to ensure the safety of goods and prevent losses. Therefore, this guide emphasizes the importance of selecting the right packaging and everything it entails. Let’s get started.

Key Factors in Choosing Packaging

The process of selecting packaging for products is a key strategic step that directly impacts safety, logistics costs, and customer satisfaction. Good packaging can distinguish between a successful distribution process and the loss of significant product volumes.

This is why it is crucial to consider all relevant factors when choosing the optimal packaging system. When selecting the most suitable packaging system, it is essential to consider the following:

  • Nature of the product: It is essential to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of the product, such as weight, shape, fragility, insulation needs, and other requirements. This will determine the level of protection and reinforcement required.
  • Destination and route: Knowing the final destination and the product’s route allows anticipating possible climatic or handling risks. This helps in choosing resilient materials.
  • Transportation duration: Prolonged transit times require more excellent durability and cushioning capacity. Knowing this information allows adjusting the packaging material to counteract vibration.
  • Storage time: If the product will be stored for extended periods, packaging with excellent hermeticity and moisture barriers is required.
  • Mode of transportation: Air, sea, or land transportation involves vibrations and different conditions the packaging must withstand.

Carefully evaluating these factors in the choice of packaging allows for selecting the optimal solution for each product and logistics operation. Working closely with BMS packaging experts will ensure an informed process. This way, risks are reduced by making the best decision regarding protection and cost-effectiveness.

Exploring Types of Industrial Packaging

There are various types of industrial packaging, each with advantages and disadvantages. Let’s see:

  • Corrugated cardboard boxes: Widely used as tertiary packaging to consolidate and transport products. They are lightweight, recyclable, and cost-effective but have lower structural strength.
  • Plastic containers: Ideal as secondary packaging, they protect against moisture and impacts. However, they are more expensive and challenging to customize.
  • Load pallets: Facilitate the movement and storage of products. They must be resistant as they support the product’s weight and stacking.
  • Bags and flexible pouches: Lightweight and adaptable, but additional protection must be combined.
  • Wooden packaging: Absorbs impacts and can be customized but involves more weight and costs.
  • Cushioning materials: Foams, bubbles, and padded fabrics protect fragile products inside the box.

Each company should analyze these options to choose the optimal combination according to its products and logistical requirements. BMS industrial packaging experts can recommend the best-customized solutions for each case. We have the best high-strength packaging products.

Multilayer Protection in Industrial Packaging

An advanced concept in industrial packaging is multilayer or layered protection. It combines various materials and components to create a solid barrier against risks. For example, a cardboard box offers a rigid outer layer, inside which padded sheets, corner protectors, or foam can be added to cushion impacts.

Airbags, bubble plastics, and other fillers can also immobilize and protect the product. An inner layer of thermal insulation may be needed for sensitive products to maintain the optimal temperature. Or airtight containers with silica gel for humidity control.

With multiple layers of protection, it is possible to design packaging resistant to impacts and vibrations, climatic changes, and compression. Each layer serves a crucial function to ensure the product arrives safe and sound after a complete logistics process.

Designing Packaging Resistant to External Factors

Designing an industrial package capable of withstanding extreme conditions requires the following:

  • High-strength materials: Plastics, metals, and woods with enhanced properties to absorb impacts without breaking.
  • Reinforced structures: Internal frames, double walls, corner reinforcements, and key areas to strengthen the box.
  • Protective filling: Foams and flexible packaging that insulate against vibrations and cushion impacts from the inside.
  • Hermetic closures and seals: Joints and closures that maintain internal temperature and humidity, preventing leakage.
  • Waterproof surfaces: Coatings that serve as a barrier against rain, dust, and other environmental factors.
  • Anti-slip fastenings: Straps, ties, and handles that keep the load secure during transportation.
  • Impact indicators: To detect impacts or falls that compromise the integrity of the packaging.

With a comprehensive design that considers these and other aspects, it is possible to create highly resistant and durable product packaging solutions.

Contact BMS for Industrial Packaging Solutions

At BMS, we focus 100% on providing our clients with the most advanced and efficient industrial packaging solutions. Thanks to our highly qualified team and industry experience, we have established ourselves as trusted partners for significant companies. We offer a comprehensive service that includes:

  • Consultation and advisory on packaging requirements
  • Custom design and manufacture of tertiary and secondary packaging
  • Testing and validation under international standards
  • Logistics and delivery of finished packaging
  • Post-sale follow-up to ensure optimal results

We understand that every supply chain and product has unique challenges. Therefore, we develop 100% tailored solutions for each client, using highly efficient processes and cutting-edge technology. We know how to choose the right packaging.

Our industrial packaging guarantees maximum protection against impacts, vibrations, temperature, and other transport and storage risks. At the same time, we optimize costs and resources by focusing on efficiency.

If you want to strengthen the security of your products, obtain excellent tertiary and secondary industrial packaging, and have a reliable partner, contact us. Our team of experts will be delighted to advise you to find the best solution. Let’s start protecting your value chain together.

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