Regulations and Compliance in Industrial Packaging

Explore industrial packaging regulations, from NOM-050-SCFI-2004 to key certifications. Ensure secure deliveries and a reliable reputation.

Regulations and Compliance in Industrial Packaging

Retailers engaged in product shipping must adhere to industrial packaging regulations. Whether packages are transported domestically or internationally, regulations must be taken seriously. For international shipments, companies must be aware of the rules imposed in each country.

Every shipment represents a valuable item for both the sender and the receiver. Therefore, it’s crucial that it reaches its destination in perfect condition. Consequently, the packaging of products must be done correctly to ensure their protection. The material used to manufacture the items will determine the type of packaging.

To learn all about these packaging regulations, continue with this content. Within these lines, all details regarding the topic will be explained thoroughly, clearing up most of your doubts.

Current Regulations in Industrial Packaging

This section will describe the current industrial packaging regulations in Mexico. This regulation is known as “NOM-050-SCFI-2004.” It pertains to the information that must be printed on the product’s packaging, wrapping, and labeling. The mandatory information includes:

  • The names of the person responsible for manufacturing the item and the importer (when applicable).
  • The ingredients contained in the product.
  • Usage and conservation instructions.
  • For food, beverages, and medicines, the expiration date must be included.
  • A description of the characteristics and components of the item.
  • If the product poses a high-risk content, warnings must be described.

There is a specific regulation for these high-risk products called “NOM-003-SCT-2008.” These regulations detail, point by point, each of the figures and legends that must be included in the packaging of dangerous items.

These instructions will establish which products can be transported by land, air, or sea. The personnel responsible for their packaging, transportation, and delivery must be trained for it. Improper handling of such products can lead to severe consequences, including loss of lives.

All this will lead to subsequent legal disputes to pay for the damages caused. Therefore, manufacturing and shipping companies must know the “key regulations in industrial packaging” and adhere to all of them without omitting any detail. These regulations are fundamental for their success.

Impact of Compliance on Business

All businesses that sell products must have compliance standards for packaging. Several things determine a business’s success and good reputation, including:

  • Punctuality in deliveries.
  • All items being delivered without any damage.
  • Packages being perfectly identified.
  • Adherence to all regulations for secure packaging.
  • The reliability of companies using certified packaging suppliers.

Nothing provides more peace of mind to customers than the credibility of the company they buy products to work with. Having serious industries aware of the value of their orders is priceless. Thus, no company proud of its status will dismiss safety to save a few dollars.

Every forward-thinking entrepreneur will seek to ally with renowned companies of proven reputation. In the business world, it is known that many years of effort can collapse with a single severe mistake. That’s why they are very careful with all security and quality matters.

The positive impact of a business will be maintained over time, as long as all the regulations governing it are fully implemented.

Important Standards and Certifications

Packaging standards and packaging certifications establish levels of safety, quality, and environmental responsibility. Of course, there are several of these certifications.

One of them is “ISO 9001.” It accredits the quality of the design and manufacturing procedures of industrial packaging. You will also find:

1. Fito-sanitary certificate for wooden packaging. This international standard for wooden packaging is known as NIMF-15, also known as ISPM-15. The FAO created it to regulate this type of packaging.

2. Certificates for dangerous goods. Well-designed regulations are required to transport high-risk goods. Depending on the type of transport to be used, the following certificates apply:

  • ADR when products will be transported by road.
  • RID by rail.
  • IATA by air.
  • IMDG by sea.

The UN established the universal classification for packaging, labeling, and marking for different classes of dangerous items. Depending on the merchandise, its packaging will be in plastic, metal, or cardboard.

3. PEFC/FSCⓇ certificate. Packaging with these certifications indicates materials obtained from sustainable logging, recycled, or a combination of both.

In short, these certificates guarantee the quality of the materials used for various packaging.

Practical Cases and Examples

Regarding packaging materials, at BMS, they have been evolving in terms of industrial packaging. Their first manufacturing was the “Laminated Cardboard Corner.” This corner has guaranteed the safeguarding of the merchandise placed in it due to its strength.

They then expanded their range of products with the manufacturing of cardboard packaging, providing a more versatile and high-quality option to their customers. They have also produced polypropylene straps, ensuring secure loads. The materials used are eco-friendly, contributing to a healthier world.

Choosing Suppliers and Materials According to Regulations

If you’ve made it this far, you already understand how crucial it is to select suppliers that offer packaging materials that comply with current regulations. Failing to comply with any of them can lead your company to failure. Your main goal should be to ensure that your merchandise reaches its destination completely safe and in good condition.

Similarly, it is essential that none of your products causes an accident due to inadequate packaging, either during transport or in a storage facility. Therefore, the merchandise must comply with all industrial packaging regulations specified for it.

Remember that failing to comply with one or more packaging regulations will destroy your reputation as a merchant. Your priority is the success of your company and the satisfaction of your customers. The quality of your product packaging will make you more prosperous every day.

Contact BMS for Packaging in Compliance with Regulations

To ensure that your products comply with all industrial packaging regulations, having a reliable supplier is essential. Contact BMS to access packaging solutions that not only comply with national and international regulations but also effectively protect your products. Our packaging experts are ready to advise you and provide high-quality packaging that meets all current regulations, ensuring the safety and integrity of your shipments. With BMS, your cargo will reach its destination safely and in perfect condition, strengthening your company’s reputation and trust. Choose BMS for responsible and regulation-compliant packaging!

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